Use "relish|relished|relishes|relishing" in a sentence

1. Although he relished harmonious alliterations, sometimes he deliberately instrumented his verse with cacophonous effect.

Auch wenn er harmonische Alliterationen bevorzugte, nutzte er manchmal bewusst Effekte der Kakophonie.

2. I relished these moments and learned at a young age to love quilting and Relief Society.

Ich war mit großer Begeisterung bei der Sache und lernte so schon in jungen Jahren Stepparbeiten und die FHV schätzen.

3. Some will relish the chance to climb up it, others would rather cave under it and some may even prefer to abseil or paraglide down it. OnRock is packed with advice and guidance for anyone who gets their thrills on a mountain.

Hohe Waende im Sarcatal - Titel: Kletterfuehrer Hohe Waende im Sarcatal - Autor: Diego Filippi - Klassische und moderne Mehrseillaengenrouten am Gardasee Dolomiten Italien.